Industrial Control Device
Temperature Sensor Tranducers
Head type temperature transducers, thermocouple or resistance thermometer as temperature sensor placed in the slot in the head of the terminal type,the value of the measured temperature an 4-20mA analog signal industrial devices that converts.
Universal Input Tranducers
These devices are used for converting various analog signals in industrial environments from input to isolated analog signals, as well as for performing arithmetic operations between these signals. They have universal analog inputs, analog outputs, and serial outputs.
Data Logger and Analyser
They are designed to measure temperature, pressure, speed, level, humidity, current, voltage, resistance, and other physical units. These devices are utilized in various industries including food, plastic, iron and steel, chemistry, metallurgy, cement, ceramics, petrochemistry, refineries, glass, and others. They are ergonomic devices, ensuring compliance with international standards, reliability, and ease of use at the design stage.