Elevator Systems

Main Controller

- 2 x CAN Bus
- 2 x RS485
- HC05 Bluetooth
- 128x64 dot matrix LCD
- 1 x Quadrature Encoder input
- 3 x safety Relays
- 12 x Relay outputs
- 23 x 24V/Open input
- 7 x High Voltage AC input
- Status Leds and Buttons to configure settings

Elevator Call Buton

This electronic card is used to call the elevator. There are two buttons: one for the 'Up' direction and the other for the 'Down' direction. A custom LCD is present to display floor information and essential elevator details.

Announce and Music

This hardware is designed to announce, play music, and display essential elevator information inside the elevator cabin. The key objective of this hardware is to minimize labor in elevator systems by integrating both an LCD and an announcement system while communicating via a serial communication line.